Building Trust for 40 years



With Us
Fixed Pricing
The signed contract agreement contains the guaranteed price for the building. That guaranteed price does not change unless the owner strays from the written agreement.
Needs Assessment
Opechee conducts a needs assessment with an Owner to develop a basic project program.
No-Cost Proposal
At no cost, Opechee provides a detailed proposal for the design and construction of the Owner’s building, with the intent of meeting the Owner’s functional, aesthetic, and economic goals.
Lump Sum
A lump sum price is included within the proposal for the complete building package.
Letter of Intent
Upon approval of the proposal, and execution of a Letter of Intent, Opechee commences design work and a fixed price design/build contract is executed.
No Change Orders!
No change orders are issued, unless the Owner elects to deviate from the established program.
Fast-Tracked & Done
Construction is completed on a “fast-track” basis, meaning that the design work and construction overlap to save time.
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